The Second Annual Ursula Poepel Broom Bash moved a mountain of broom out of our native habitats and into the chippers for composting. Roadways, parks, and private land up and down north and south Pender were cleared of this noxious and highly flammable plant that is turning natural and diverse habitat all over the Pacific Coast into monocultures where nothing else can grow.
Our staff and volunteers, landowners, and concerned citizens, spent many long hours over the two week event cutting, hauling, and piling up broom. We have a long way to go, but got a lot closer to stopping this invader in its tracks. A big thank you to Ron Henshaw, Bruce McConchie, Braedon Bigham and Ben Symons, and to everyone who participated in making our island a little greener, reduced our fire hazard, and helped give native species a fighting chance.