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3rd Annual Ursula Poepel Broom Bash

Be Ursula for a day!

She was passionate about this island and unafraid to share her thoughts on it. She was Pender's Broom Bash queen. In honour of her passion and perseverance in removing this highly invasive plant, the Pender Island Conservancy presents the 3rd annual Ursula Poepel Broom Bash from May 15-28.

We will kick off the Bash together with Raincoast Conservation Foundation, on Sunday, May 15, from 10 am- 3pm. We will be removing broom at KELÁ_EKE Kingfisher Forest at the end of Harbour Hill Road. Come for the whole time or only part of the time. Dress for the weather, we will be broom bashing rain or shine. Work gloves, safety glasses and tools can be provided but if you have your own bring them along. Snacks and drinking water will be available.

Next: start bashing that broom on your own property! Help your neighbour! Start cutting broom right away and if you have room, stash it in a corner on your property where it will decay.

If you have a lot of broom, you can bring it down to our drop-off sites where it will be taken away to be composted. The drop off sites between May 15-28 ONLY are at Danny Martin Park parking lot (off Buccaneers)on North Pender, and at 9861 Spalding Road on South Pender. Please ensure that you ONLY have broom plants and NO SEEDS.

Although we recognize the need for Daphne removal on the island, we are NOT able to accept it at our drop off sites. DO NOT burn Daphne, find a location on your property to pile it and allow it to decompose is best for disposal.

If you do not have a way to get your broom to the drop off sites, please contact us at Our volunteer coordinator will arrange pick up for a Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday from May 16-28. Donations are welcome for this service.

Not exactly sure what to do?

Broom Bash 101

  1. Cut broom while it's in bloom! We do this bash now because the broom is at it's most vulnerable-it is putting all of it's energy and nutrients into those bright yellow blossoms and creating seeds. If we cut them now, they will have little left in their roots to make a comeback.

  2. Cut the broom don't pull. Small plants can be the exception, but make sure you pat down the soil to prevent old seeds from germinating.

  3. If you cut it at ground level or just below, while in bloom, the plant usually dies. Again pat down any disturbed soil to prevent seed germination.

  4. Cutting the broom is the first step. Follow up your work by planting native species and continue removing any new broom growth in the next season.

What will you need:

  1. Gloves

  2. Loppers

  3. Pruning saw for large plants

  4. Safety glasses

  5. Dress for the mess

Any questions? Send us an email at


The Nature Centre at Hope Bay

#1 4301 Bedwell Harbour Rd

Wednesday to Sunday 

11:00am to 3:00pm




We acknowledge that we live and work in the traditional territories of the Tsawout, Tsartlip, Pauquachin and Tseycum W̱SÁNEĆ peoples


Our mandate is to endeavour to safeguard the evolution of our natural environment in balance with increasing human presence.

© 2024 by Pender Islands Conservancy Association  |  Incorporated under the Societies Act of British Columbia, 1993
Member of the Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia

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